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TCSF Networking for Success Program

More Than Money: Tri-County recipients attend a Networking for Success Program at Bank of America


As part of its mission, Tri-County believes strongly in exposing students of all ages to leadership, cultural and business opportunities that economics might otherwise deny them.

In March of 2008, 30 Tri-County juniors and seniors from three different high schools spent the morning as guests of Tri-County Trustee and Bank of America Market Executive Pete Dontas and his team. Beginning with breakfast and ending with lunch, the students were exposed to presentations on networking skills, dressing for success, money management, interviewing protocols, resume writing, email and cell phone etiquette. They were also presented with an introduction to the world of banking, a whole range of employees from Pete and one of his Senior VPs to student interns currently in college or just graduated, led the session.

Not only were the students the recipients of great information, they were active participants as they broke down into four teams, each team designed a live presentation of an interview and compete for a grand prize of an iPOD. This interactivity between staff and students was the highlight of the morning.

As they left, the students were presented with a goodie bag with a daily planner, a student financial handbook, pens and notebooks, courtesy of Bank of America. Said one trustee who was present: “These kids are going to be way ahead of the game. I went to Harvard and I never got anything like this!”


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