where every child has access to
a safe, quality education
regardless of income level or zip code
Congratulations Class of 2024
Watch a video showcasing our 102 graduating seniors and the impressive schools they were accepted to, watch one of our student speakers from the Class of 2024 who spoke at Tri-County events, or get an update from a Tri-County alumna who graduated from Harvard Law! We are so proud of each of them!

Charity Navigator is America's premier independent charity evaluator. They help charitable givers make intelligent giving decisions by providing in-depth, objective ratings and analysis of the financial health and accountability & transparency of America's largest charities. Charity Navigator awarded Tri-County Scholarship Fund four out of a possible four stars. Receiving four out of a possible four stars indicates that Tri-County adheres to good governance and other best practices that minimize the chance of unethical activities and consistently executes its mission in a fiscally responsible way. Please click on the logo above to review our four star rating.
Tri-County Earns Coveted Four-Star Charity Navigator With a 100% Accountability and Finance Score- October 2024

providing K-12th grade scholarships
for financially-disadvantaged New Jersey students
to receive a safe, quality, values-based education.
“Securing the future of our state’s most vulnerable is not only one of the most important causes we can support, but I believe it also provides the best return on investment in New Jersey philanthropy.”

Edward L. Hennessy, Jr.
Co-Founder of TCSF
former CEO of Allied Signal

By investing in the education of financially under-privileged children, Tri-County has discovered the antidote to multi-generational and systemic poverty.
Since 1981, Tri-County has awarded partial scholarships for K-12th grade. Our partner schools have offered discounted tuition and have provided safe, disciplined learning environments. Parents and families have sacrificed to provide the tuition balance and have remained invested in the process. This mutual cooperation has leveled the playing field for our scholarship recipients, providing game-changing opportunities and maximizing our student outcomes.