A Livestream Gala
40th Annual Awards Celebration
Opening doors to the future through education
Thank You! Together we raised $2.25 million!
800 children will receive scholarships for the upcoming school year - Keeping the current 750 students in their safe, quality schools and lifting 50 more off the scholarship wait list.
Thank You Honorees
for introducing our cause to so many generous friends and colleagues!
Gala Co-Chairs
Thank You to the Event Committee and Trustees
for your energy, talents and commitment that helped raise scholarship funds for our amazing students
Marc Adee*
Chairman & CEO
Crum & Forster
Eric Andersen*
Thomas Healey*
Healey Development LLC
Former Assistant. Secretary for Domestic Finance
US Treasury
Retired Partner
Goldman Sachs
John Howard*
Chairman & CEO
Truist Insurance Holdings
Paul J. Krump*
Chubb Group
Global Underwriting
& Claims
Gala Committee
Carolyn Badenhausen
Paul Boudreau
Tammy Butler
Joanne DelRio
Ken Donovan*
Kris Donovan*
Timothy I. Duffy, Esq.
Laura Forbes
Nancy Lottinville, Esq.
Patrick McGovern
Prudence Pigott
Yvonne Previdi
MaryBeth Savas
Anne Schaumburg
Fr. Michael Tidd, OSB
Charles Varvaro
Jim Franson
Michael Frodella
Katherine Gargiulo
William Gascoigne
Whitney Goulart
Beth Hennessy
Fran Howard
Anne Krump
*Tri-County is proud to recognize our past Annual Awards Dinner Honorees for their leadership and continued commitment to our cause.
Why Tri-County? Tri-County Scholarship Fund addresses the educational disparities experienced by financially disadvantaged, racially diverse, inner city children. A high-quality, values-based education is the best bridge to economic opportunity and social mobility. Tri-County provides partial K-12th grade scholarships to accredited, safer, private elementary and high schools that give opportunity to financially disadvantaged New Jersey children.
More Critical Than Ever: Our already financially vulnerable students have been especially impacted by the COVID crisis.